Work begins on permanent wall at Healing Garden in Las Vegas
Work begins at Las Vegas Community Healing Garden (Madelyn Reese/Las Vegas Review-Journal)
Updated August 6, 2018 - 2:51 pm

The Remembrance Wall at the Community Healing Garden in Las Vegas, Monday, Aug. 6, 2018. Crews moved the wooden wall to make way for construction on a permanent wall, set to begin within the week. (Madelyn Reese/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @MadelynGReese

The Remembrance Wall at the Community Healing Garden in Las Vegas, Monday, Aug. 6, 2018. Crews moved the wooden wall to make way for construction on a permanent wall, set to begin within the week. (Madelyn Reese/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @MadelynGReese

The Remembrance Wall at the Community Healing Garden in Las Vegas, Monday, Aug. 6, 2018. Crews moved the wooden wall to make way for construction on a permanent wall, set to begin within the week. (Madelyn Reese/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @MadelynGReese

Mementos from the Remembrance Wall at the Community Healing Garden in Las Vegas, Monday, Aug. 6, 2018. Crews moved the wooden wall to make way for construction on a permanent wall, set to begin within the week. (Madelyn Reese/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @MadelynGReese

The Remembrance Wall at the Community Healing Garden in Las Vegas, Monday, Aug. 6, 2018. Crews moved the wooden wall to make way for construction on a permanent wall, set to begin within the week. (Madelyn Reese/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @MadelynGReese

Jessica Anderson , Community Engagement Director for Get Outdoors Nevada stands in front of the Remembrance Wall at the Community Healing Garden in Las Vegas, Monday, Aug. 6, 2018. Crews moved the wooden wall to make way for construction on a permanent wall, set to begin within the week. (Madelyn Reese/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @MadelynGReese
Work began Monday on the installation of a permanent Remembrance Wall at the Las Vegas Community Healing Garden.
Crews began by removing photos and mementos from the current wall and dismantling the wall’s wooden pallets, which have begun to weather in the scorching Las Vegas heat.
The wooden wall was moved several feet and reconstructed on an adjacent grassy area, where crews then returned all of the memorabilia to its original arrangement.
The Healing Garden was originally intended as a show of support for victims of gun violence following the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida. But it became a community gathering place in the aftermath of the Oct. 1 shooting at the Route 91 Harvest festival.
Plans for a permanent wall have been in place for several months.
The new wall will be constructed in the temporary wall’s spot and have many of the same elements, said Jessica Anderson, community engagement director with Get Outdoors Nevada. Anderson was on site Monday to oversee the project’s first stage.
The wall will have natural textures including wood and a water feature, Anderson said.
“But, most importantly, it will still have a place for people to hang mementos, pictures and place pieces and artifacts for remembrance,” Anderson said.
For updates on the wall’s construction, Anderson encouraged people to follow updates on the garden’s Facebook page:
Contact Madelyn Reese at 702-383-0497 or Follow @MadelynGReese on Twitter.
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For all our coverage on the Oct. 1 shooting, see our Las Vegas shooting page.