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COMMENTARY: Donald Trump alienates his base by signing an awful federal spending bill

President Donald Trump just made the worst mistake of his presidency.

I thought he understood the Golden Rule. Defend your base. Support your base. Love your base. Never betray your base. All that matters is your base.

The rest of the world doesn’t matter. The D.C. swamp doesn’t matter. The media don’t matter. Liberals don’t matter. Illegal aliens don’t matter. The GOP establishment doesn’t matter. You beat them all to win the GOP nomination against all odds. You beat them all to win the presidency against all odds.

As Sinatra said, you won because “you did it your way.” You never wavered. You never suffered weak knees. You never gave a damn what the rest of them thought. And that was your strength.

So, what happened?

Did you lose your mojo? Did the swamp finally come up with a threat or offer you could not refuse? Who’s advising you? That someone is either corrupt or an idiot.

President Trump just signed the $1.3 trillion omnibus bill. It is a travesty. It will bankrupt America. It is filled with pork and corruption. It sells out conservatives. It rewards liberals. It makes government far bigger and stronger. It spends hundreds of millions on a wall … in the Middle East. But nothing on the Trump wall. It spends billions on a tunnel between New York and New Jersey, the dream of Sen. Chuck Schumer. It funds sanctuary cities. It gives millions in raises to Congress. Schumer and Pelosi are gloating. They played you. They made you look like a fool, a loser.

The GOP controls everything. White House. Senate. House. Governorships. State houses. Supreme Court. And we got rolled. Your 63 million voters got rolled. You got rolled. We voted for you, and we got nothing. Democrats lost at every level, and they just got everything they wanted.

Can anyone explain this?

It may not be fatal. I sure hope it’s not fatal. But it’s a grievous wound. President Trump had “the D.C. swamp” right where he wanted them. He had them scared to death. Cornered. Embattled. Holding on for dear life. Lawyering up.

And then strangely, suddenly, Trump lifted his foot off the pedal.

I received hundreds of emails and texts from the fans of my national radio and TV shows on Friday morning. Here is a sampling:

“Wayne, I never thought I’d say this, but I am done. Not only am I done with Trump, I am done. Period. I’m never voting again. My votes haven’t counted for a long time, but now they will never count, since the only votes that matter are by illegals. He’s funding sanctuary cities, some frigging tunnel to nowhere for Chuck, and on and on. He is neutered. He knuckled under to the Dems and the backstabbers. Impeachment is next on the agenda. He’s a lame duck … and a member of the swamp now. What a disgrace. Have a nice day. Paula.”

“Wayne, I will no longer go to battle for Mr. Trump. As far as I’m concerned, he is just another liar, like most of the rest of the Republicans. He has abandoned his major campaign pledges to the people who voted for him. Just this morning I know phones were off the hook at WH w/Trump supporters stating that if he signs the Omnibus Bill, they are all done with Trump. Sad day. Rich.”

“Hi, Wayne. Today President Trump betrayed his base by signing the Omnibus bill. No funds for a wall in the USA, but funds for a wall in the Middle East? He totally caved to the Democrats. The Art of the Deal? I can no longer support him or Republican candidates. If we are going to cave to the Democrats, we may as well elect Democrats. Trump does not know the damage he has done today. He has been ROLLED. Jeff.”

Trump clearly made the worst mistake of his presidency. The question is: Can he recover?

Contact Wayne Allyn Root at Wayne@ROOTforAmerica.com. Hear or watch the nationally syndicated “WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show” from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at 790 Talk Now and at 5 p.m. on Newsmax TV.

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