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COMMENTARY: Let’s make everyone in Roy Moore case take lie detector tests

The scurrilous charges against Judge Roy Moore have become the biggest news story in America. I believe I have the only fair solution.

There are now rumors that even if Moore wins his Senate race, the GOP will refuse to seat him. I find this reaction strange. At this very moment, U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., is on trial for fraud and bribery. Not one Republican senator has demanded his resignation. I assume their response would be, “He hasn’t been convicted yet in a court of law. We presume his innocence.”

So why doesn’t this apply to Moore? Anyone can make charges about anything, without proof or witnesses, from almost 40 years ago. Where is his trial? Where is his presumption of innocence?

I’d also point out Sen. Ted Kennedy was driving drunk when his accident wound up killing a young lady — a campaign volunteer. Yet he remained a U.S. senator and a liberal hero for decades after leaving that young campaign volunteer to drown. Why didn’t any Republican senator demand his resignation?

This isn’t a murder case. It’s not a sex case. It’s not a cheating case. It is, however, a “creepy case.” The things Moore is accused of are, in fact, “creepy.”

But rather than quibble over “he said, she said,” I have a better idea. Let’s demand lie detector tests for everyone involved — the judge and all of his accusers. With only three weeks to go until the election, this is the best way to determine who is guilty and who is lying. If the judge refuses and the accusers take the test and pass, he should resign. If the judge passes with flying colors and his accusers refuse the test or take it and fail, then he’s vindicated and he’s going to be the next U.S. senator from Alabama.

Show the results to the public. Is there deception? Is there any doubt? Did he know the gals in question? Did he assault them on these dates? Ask the accusers the exact same questions.

Simple. Fair. Case closed. At this point, a lie detector is necessary if Moore expects to be seated in the Senate.

But a more important question: Should a man be destroyed over any allegation anytime his political opponents don’t like his views? For instance, what if five women came forward this week to claim Mitch McConnell is a deviant and cheater? No proof, no witnesses. Just “he said, she said.” Would McConnell resign?

What’s stopping Democrats from finding people who want money, or their 15 minutes of fame, from coming forward against any conservative, anytime? Should the person accused always step down after accusers, with no proof or witnesses, make terrible accusations? Who decides if the charges are credible or not?

Take Harry Reid. He slandered Mitt Romney with a total fabrication about Romney’s taxes. Isn’t the U.S. Senate majority leader a credible guy? Should Mitt have resigned instantly from the presidential race based on Reid’s accusations?

Yet Reid’s accusations were proven false. Reid clearly made up those charges of tax fraud. Yet each time I defended Mitt Romney on dozens of national TV and radio interviews, my Democrat opponents called Romney “a tax cheat,” and many suggested he should wind up in prison. Prison?

When asked about it later, Reid never denied lying. He responded, “Romney didn’t win, did he?” How quickly people forget. Charges and accusations do not always mean a person is guilty.

Does it ever occur to anyone that this may be exactly what’s being done to Moore? The truth is, none of us knows. But we all agree on one thing: If he is “creepy,” he shouldn’t be a U.S. senator. So now I think it’s time for lie detector tests — for everyone involved. Let’s clear the air forever.

It’s just a shame no one suggested a lie detector for Harry Reid back in 2012.

Contact Wayne Allyn Root at Wayne@ROOTforAmerica.com. Hear or watch the nationally syndicated “WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show,” from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at 790 Talk Now and at 5 p.m. on Newsmax TV.

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