EDITORIAL: Supreme Court reigns in bureaucratic overreach

The high court reigned in the ubiquitous administrative state by putting new life into the Seventh Amendment’s right to a jury trial. In April, it struck a blow for the Fifth Amendment.

LETTER: Missing the mark

These so-called CBO budget experts, if in the private sector, would be put out on the streets for their incompetence.

CLARENCE PAGE: This young GI met Donald Sutherland in a bygone era

I wanted to just say thanks to Donald Sutherland for helping my morale, as well as countless other GIs I knew. To me, “M*A*S*H” wasn’t so much an anti-war movie as therapeutic relief for my post-draftee gloom.

LVCVA leader could get raise, $190K bonus

A committee of the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority has recommended Steve Hill receive a raise and bonus for his work in the 2024 fiscal year.

Biden, halting and raspy, confronts Trump during 1st presidential debate

Biden’s uneven performance, particularly early in the debate, crystallized the concerns of many Americans that, at 81, he is too old to serve as president.

LETTER: Just sign here

Isn’t it fascinating that signatures are excruciatingly validated and litigated when it comes to appearing on the ballot, but ignored once the actual voting takes place?

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