FBI arrests Epstein associate, socialite on sex charges

British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested by the FBI on Thursday on charges she helped procure underage sex partners for financier Jeffrey Epstein.

Domestic call leads to arrest on 2011 warrant

A seemingly routine investigation into a domestic disturbance led to the arrest of a man wanted in a child sex assault, according to police and court records.

4.8M jobs added in June, but gains may be curbed by new closings

U.S. unemployment fell to 11.1 percent in June as the economy added a solid 4.8 million jobs, the government reported Thursday. But the job-market recovery may already be faltering.

Hot, sunny Fourth of July weekend forecast

A typical Las Vegas Fourth of July is in store for the weekend, according to the National Weather Service.

15 most critical assets to increase your net worth

To get the answer to “What is my net worth?” subtract your total liabilities from your total assets. If you’re trying to figure out which assets are the most valuable or will otherwise give your net worth a boost, here’s a rundown of 15 critical assets.

Not wearing a mask in New Mexico? Pay a $100 fine

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on Wednesday said there will be more aggressive enforcement of the state’s public health order, including individual fines, to rein in rising coronavirus infection rates across the state.

California bars, restaurants pay price for coronavirus surge

California took a big step back in reopening its economy on Wednesday as Gov. Gavin Newsom shut down bars, wineries, museums, movie theaters and inside restaurant dining across most of the state for three weeks amid troubling increases in coronavirus cases and hospitalizations.

July 2020
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