Speeding motorist homicide: Suspect ID pursued in stabbing

Patrol cars could be seen Monday at an apartment complex on West Sahara Avenue, a day after a resident reportedly confronted a speeding driver and was killed .

A dance to celebrate Nevada’s statehood — PHOTOS

Revelers from around northern Nevada and neighboring California gathered in Virginia City Saturday to celebrate the 155th anniversary of Nevada’s admission to the union, which occurred Oct. 31, 1864.

Trump calls Chicago an embarrassment to US

President Donald Trump used a conference of police chiefs on Monday to slam the host city of Chicogo as “embarrassing to us as a nation” under the leadership of its top cop.

After 2 years aloft, Air Force’s mystery space plane lands

The X-37B landed at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida early Sunday. The Air Force is mum about what the plane did in orbit after launching aboard a SpaceX rocket in 2017.

Growing anxiety looms over Democrats’ 2020 primary

The lack of enthusiasm for Joe Biden’s candidacy underscores a broader trend emerging in the states that matter most in the Democratic Party’s high-stakes presidential nomination fight: Primary voters appear to be getting less certain of their choice as Election Day approaches.

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October 2019
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