34 presumed dead as no boat fire survivors found

Officials said Tuesday that 34 people died after a boat packed with scuba divers caught fire near an island off the Southern California coast and they have called off search efforts for survivors.

McConnell waiting on Trump to chart path on guns

WASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says he’s waiting for the White House to chart a path forward on gun violence legislation following another mass shooting in Texas.

Walmart to end sale of handgun ammunition

Walmart says it will discontinue the sale of handgun ammunition and also publicly request that customers refrain from openly carrying firearms in stores even where state laws allow it.

Pence defends stay at Trump property during Ireland visit

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday defended his decision to stay at one of President Donald Trump’s properties while in Ireland in the face of criticism by Democrats and good government groups that he’s enriching Trump at taxpayers’ expense.

Bear cub rescued from dumpster near Lake Tahoe

When a late-night trip to a trash container left a wailing bear cub stuck inside a dumpster near a Lake Tahoe motel, deputies were called upon to help the cub reunite with its family.

UK pound volatile as investors try to gauge Brexit risks

The pound on Tuesday touched its lowest level against the dollar since 1985, excluding a brief “flash crash” in 2016 that may have been caused by technical glitches, as international investors fret over a political showdown over Brexit this week.

9 months into race, Dems appear no closer to solving identity crisis

Democrats are no closer to resolving the big questions dividing their party by race, generation and ideology than they were on the day of President Donald’s Trump’s inauguration

Despite pledge on lobbyists, Biden taps influence industry

It’s difficult to quantify how much Democrat presidential hopeful Joe Biden has raised from the multibillion-dollar influence industry, but the roughly $200,000 he accepted from employees of major lobbying firms is far more than any of his rivals has received, according to a review of campaign finance data by The Associated Press.

Dorian ‘parked’ over Bahamas, death toll, worries increase

“We are in the midst of a historic tragedy,” Prime Minister Hubert Minnis said. “The devastation is unprecedented and extensive.”

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