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Kenadie Cobbin Richardson

Kenadie Cobbin Richardson is the director of business engagement and communications for Workforce Connections, Southern Nevada’s local workforce development board. Funded by the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Workforce Connections’ mission is to connect employers to a ready workforce. Workforce Connections ensures the local One-Stop Delivery System (also known as the American Job Center System) is job-driven, responding to the needs of employers and preparing workers for jobs that are available now and in the future. For more information, visit: www.nvworkforceconnections.org or www.nvcareercenter.org. Email Kenadie at krichardson@nvworkforceconnections.org.

Workforce Connections Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NVWorkforceConnections/ Twitter: @NVWorkforce

You need the help. They need a job.

Workforce Connections’ One-Stop Career Center is now open at the Mesquite Library, 121 W. First North St. in Mesquite. The One-Stop Career Center helps to place eligible participants into employment and job training for free. All services are free and beneficial to both employers and

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