House cat wins stare down with mountain lion — VIDEO

Oh, that protective instinct in cats. Or maybe it’s just curiosity (or sheer terror). Whatever it was, a showdown between a fluffy house cat and a big mountain lion made for nothing less than unadulterated entertainment.

YouTuber and comedian Tom Mabe captured the encounter from a friend’s home about 10 miles from Boulder, Colo.

The cat sitting on the kitchen windowsill meowing, while the intimidating predator pawed at the window.

“Is that crazy or what?” Mabe says to his wife, who in return asks where their kids are. Mabe, the proverbial funny guy, quips that they’re “out back,” before reassuring her that they’re still in bed.

Not the time for a witty joke? Mabe’s wife didn’t think so.

Eventually the mountain lion wanders away (or did Mabe’s wife scare it away?), but not before casting one more glance back at the cat.

Mabe declined to reveal the exact location of the video because he says his friends are trying to sell that home.

Contact Graydon Johns at Find him on Twitter: @gjohns

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