Hardware shop refuses to serve gay customers

An East Tennessee hardware store owner posted what is being called a controversial sign in response to the Supreme Court’s historic ruling on same-sex marriage last week.

Jeff Amyx, who owns Amyx Hardware and Roofing Supplies posted a sign saying “No Gays Allowed” because he said the ruling was against his religion, WBIR reported.

His sign changed Tuesday morning to say, “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who would violate our rights of freedom of speech and freedom of religion.”

“They gladly stand for what they believe in, why can’t I? They believe their way is right, I believe it’s wrong,” he said. “But yet I’m going to take more persecution than them because I’m standing for what I believe in.”

Amyx told WBIR he does not plan to take the sign down.

Contact Kristen DeSilva at 702-477-3895 or kdesilva@reviewjournal.com. Find her on Twitter: @kristendesilva

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