Southern Nevada boys, girls basketball rankings

Bishop GormanÕs Ryan Abelman (0) and Liberty High Aaron Price Jr. (15) fight for the loose ...

Southern Nevada high school basketball rankings


Class 5A

1. Bishop Gorman

2. Liberty

3. Durango

4. Coronado

5. Desert Pines

Class 4A

1. Las Vegas

2. Silverado

3. Valley

4. Mojave

5. Spring Valley

Class 3A

1. SLAM Nevada

2. Somerset Losee

3. Boulder City

4. Virgin Valley

5. Sky Pointe


Class 5A

1. Centennial

2. Spring Valley

3. Liberty

4. Desert Oasis

5. Shadow Ridge

Class 4A

1. Desert Pines

2. Clark

3. Palo Verde

4. Silverado

5. Las Vegas

Class 3A

1. Pahrump Valley

2. Moapa Valley

3. Virgin Valley

4. Somerset Losee

5. Boulder City

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