Buffalo Bills fan runs headfirst into parked bus after chugging a beer

We received an amusing introduction today to Dizzy Bat, a drinking game in which the participant chugs a full beer out of the holding end of a Wiffle-ball bat. While the person is chugging, the surrounding participants count off in seconds how long it takes for the person to finish the full beer. Then the drinker must lean over and spin around with their forehead placed on the end of the bat for however long it took to finish chugging.

A Buffalo Bills fan was caught on video playing Dizzy Bat while tailgating before Sunday’s game against the Indianapolis Colts. Once he finished spinning around, he attempted to swing at a pitch and then crashed headfirst into a parked bus.

Hopefully he recovered in time to watch the Bills upset the Colts, 27-14.

Check out the video above.

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