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WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: Dems employ weapons of mass distraction

I understand if you don’t like President Donald Trump’s style or personality. I understand if you don’t like his tweets. I understand if you’re a liberal and you don’t agree with his conservative policies and “America First” agenda. I get all that.

But facts are facts. You have to admit when you’re wrong. The guy is winning for America, American workers and the U.S. economy. And it’s all happening while Democrats try to impeach him.

Sure, Trump’s impeachment trial is the big news. But you’re missing the big picture. There’s nothing to write about impeachment. It’s already failed. On the very day the articles of impeachment were handed to the Senate (Thursday), Trump jumped to 51 a percent approval rating at Rasmussen. The “silent majority” of Americans clearly don’t believe a word of this crock.

And the Senate will acquit Trump. It won’t even be close. End of story.

But impeachment’s goal was to push the important news out of the headlines. It was a Democrat WMD — a weapon of mass distraction. Democrats don’t want you to see, hear or appreciate all the great things Trump is accomplishing. It’s three-card Monte. They want you to look under shell No. 1 while missing the great news under shell No. 3.

Despite impeachment, last week was actually Trump’s best ever. But, of course, you didn’t hear this in the media. You heard only about impeachment. That’s exactly what Democrats wanted you to hear. Fake news. Weapons of mass distraction.

First, Trump got his phase one trade victory with China. No one thought this was possible. So-called financial and trade “experts” predicted doom and gloom. They predicted China would never give in and the trade deal would never get done. They said Trump’s trade war would destroy the U.S. economy. They predicted a recession. Trump stood up to the entire financial establishment. China signed the deal on Wednesday.

As usual, the experts were wrong. The economy is booming. There are no signs of inflation and no serious cost increases for U.S. consumers. The stock market is hitting all-time highs, and homebuilding just soared to a 13-year high. China blinked. Trump won.

The Chinese government last week reported the country’s slowest economic growth in 30 years. Investment in Chinese manufacturing declined by 3.1 percent last year. Trump’s trade war killed China’s economy and broke the Chinese Communist Party. So the country came back to the negotiating table.

American farmers, manufacturers and small businesses won big on Trump’s calculated gamble. The new agreement requires China to increase spending on U.S. imports by at least $200 billion over the next two years, a more than 50 percent increase. That includes $80 billion of manufacturing products, $53 billion of energy, $35 billion of services and $32 billion of agricultural products. That nearly doubles what China buys annually from U.S. farmers.

The news gets better. On Thursday, the Senate passed the new trade agreement with Mexico and Canada, negotiated by Trump. Only 10 senators voted against it. Independent experts report this deal will add more than $60 billion to the U.S. economy, as well as hundreds of thousands of new jobs.

I predicted during the 2016 election Trump’s economy would top Ronald Reagan’s supercharged, record-setting economy. I predicted Trump would go down as the greatest economic president ever. And the greatest jobs president ever.

It’s happening. A booming Trump economy is about to soar into overdrive. And all Democrats have are weapons of mass distraction.

Contact Wayne Allyn Root at Wayne@ROOTforAmerica.com. Hear or watch the nationally syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root Show” from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at 790 AM and at 5 p.m. nightly on Newsmax TV.

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