COMMENTARY: Why do liberals want to Make America Miserable Again?

It’s the perfect slogan for crybaby, liberal snowflakes: “MAMA: Making America Miserable Again.”

Because anyone who cries over President Donald Trump’s election and refuses to accept this remarkable economic turnaround and booming economy needs a straitjacket, a rubber room and a hug from mommy.

Who would want to go back to the Obama years? Or have you forgotten Great Depression GDP levels; $10 trillion in new debt; nothing but low-wage jobs; all-time low levels of new business creation; and all-time high levels of people on food stamps, welfare and disability? It was a fantastic economy — if you were an illegal alien or a welfare addict.

Every small-business owner I met was depressed and had lost faith in America’s future. No one wanted to risk money, start new businesses or create jobs.

My personal story is a perfect “model” for what Barack Obama did to small business. I was forced to close my main Las Vegas business — laying off dozens of employees. I was unable to raise any money in Obama’s eight years for any new business, even though I was able to raise about $20 million during the preceding decade. My health insurance bill skyrocketed from $500 per month to $2,000. I went from “the American Dream” to struggling to survive during the Obama years.

Do you want to go back to that? Do you want to “Make America Miserable Again?”

Compare that to today.

— Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan Chase &Co. and a prominent critic of President Trump, just announced the Trump tax law will produce a booming stock market in 2018, encourage robust deal-making on Wall Street and send GDP growth heading towards the 4 percent range — something economists said during the Obama years was impossible.

— Gallup just reported Americans’ optimism about finding a quality job averaged 56 percent in 2017, President Trump’s first year in the White House. That’s the highest annual average in the history of the Gallup poll. By December, it hit a remarkable 62 percent. Average Americans are excited like never before.

— The NFIB Index of Small Business Optimism just announced last year was the all-time record high for small-business confidence.

Do you want to go back? Do you want to “Make America Miserable Again?”

Amid all this great economic news and optimism, California started the New Year by mandating LGBT indoctrination for elementary school children. Parents aren’t allowed to opt out of transgenderism propaganda for 4- and 5-year olds. That’s the priority for California liberals.

We should be mandating courses on writing resumes, interviewing for jobs, balancing a checkbook, choosing a career, saving for retirement and, of course, Capitalism 101 — explaining how communism led to the deaths of 100 million people in the past century, while capitalism created more wealth, mobility and quality middle-class jobs than any other system in history.

Instead California’s children will now be taught (true examples in textbooks) legendary stagecoach driver Charlie Parkhurst “was a woman who identified as a man.” George Washington’s chief of staff Baron Von Steuben “may have been gay.” And famous poet Walt Whitman “was drawn to young men … but denied his same-sex preferences in public.”

This is what’s important to liberals in a society with millions not working; millions more underemployed in crappy part-time jobs; tens of millions dependent on welfare and food stamps; and half the citizens admitting they don’t have $500 in case of an emergency.

Trust me, Trump isn’t the one who’s crazy. The definition of crazy is anyone who wants to go back to the economic illiteracy and misery of Obama. Or anyone who thinks our priority in life is teaching little children about transgenderism.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not interested in going back. I don’t need my mommy. I need prosperity, opportunity and mobility, not transgender equality.

Thank God for Trump. Because I don’t want to “Make America Miserable Again.”

Contact Wayne Allyn Root at Hear or watch the nationally syndicated “WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show,” from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at 790 Talk Now and at 5 p.m. on Newsmax TV.

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