COMMENTARY: The FBI leadership is out to destroy President Donald Trump

How corrupt is the FBI leadership? Is the FBI now the corrupt “enforcer” of the deep state? Does the FBI now stand for “Fake Bureau of Investigation”?

It pains me to ask these questions. Because as a kid, my blue-collar, conservative dad taught me the greatest organization in the world was the FBI. I grew up believing FBI agents were gods. My favorite TV show was “The F.B.I.” with Efrem Zimbalist Jr.

FBI special agents are still superheroes wearing the white hats and taking down bad guys. But those in the FBI leadership? They’re the most corrupt, politicized liars, lawyers and bureaucrats the D.C. swamp has to offer. They aren’t cops. They are biased liberal Democratic hit men appointed by people such as Barack Obama and the Clintons. They could just as well run the Department of Agriculture or the dreaded IRS. They were put in place to protect Obama and Hillary, to carry out a liberal agenda, to protect the deep-state bureaucracy.

Look at the facts. You couldn’t make this up in a Hollywood movie.

Once-classified FBI memos implicate Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Rod Rosenstein and former FBI Directors James Comey and Robert Mueller in the corrupt scheme called “Uranium One.” Yes, the same Robert Mueller now trying to destroy President Donald Trump. The big shots of U.S. law enforcement were all in the middle of the sale of one-fifth of America’s uranium stock to Russia in return for a $140 million donation to the Clinton Foundation. Then those same FBI big shots desperately tried to cover it all up. It would have worked, except Donald Trump was elected president.

So they decided Trump had to be discredited and destroyed.

But wait, there is so much more. The wife of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe accepted a $700,000 “donation” from the Clintons’ lifelong best friend while her husband was in charge of the Hillary email scandal investigation.

When this conflict of interest was reported by the Wall Street Journal, FBI officials didn’t suspend McCabe. They hired an army of D.C. swamp lawyers and PR firms to cover up the scandal.

McCabe is currently the subject of three separate federal inquiries into alleged misconduct. Judicial Watch just released 79 pages of Justice Department documents concerning ethics issues related to him.

FBI agent Peter Strzok, one of the agency’s most trusted counterintelligence investigators, was removed from the Mueller special counsel team for sending anti-Trump messages. But it goes so much deeper. This Trump hater and Hillary lover was the lead investigator in the Hillary email investigation. He changed the wording of FBI Director James Comey’s draft about Hillary’s actions from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless.” The fix was in. “Gross negligence” of classified materials is criminal. The language was changed to save Hillary from prison.

You have the Hillary interrogation with the FBI — done with no swearing in, no recording. Of course, it didn’t matter. We now know Comey decided to find her innocent before ever interviewing her.

You have the Bill Clinton-Loretta Lynch tarmac meeting only a week before the FBI decided not to prosecute Hillary. When the story was leaked, new documents obtained by Judicial Watch show the FBI was more concerned about prosecuting the leaker than with the meeting.

Let’s not forget the entire reason for the special prosecutor was based on a fake dossier, paid for by Hillary’s campaign, used by the FBI to obtain wiretaps on the Trump campaign.

The Mueller team is filled with Hillary-Obama donors. The grand jury Mueller put together is filled with D.C. residents, a place Hillary won with 91 percent of the vote.

Matt Drudge of The Drudge Report asked recently, “We know what happens when one lies to the FBI. But what is the punishment when the FBI lies to us?” We’re about to find out.

This is The Fake Bureau of Investigation.

Contact Wayne Allyn Root at Hear or watch the nationally syndicated “WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show” from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at 790 Talk Now and at 5 p.m. on Newsmax TV.

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