COMMENTARY: RJ insert showing evidence of Trump Derangement Syndrome

The victories keep piling up for President Donald Trump, Republicans, America and me personally. Trump has opened the floodgates of prosperity. He’s making “America Great Again.” He is also “Making Israel Great Again.” And he’s most certainly not “Making Iran Great Again.” That was Barack Obama’s role. Those days are over.

Israel is busy naming parks, railway stations and even soccer teams after Trump. That’s because Trump had the courage to choose a side.

Trump actually treats our friends much better than our enemies. He actually rewards good guys and punishes bad guys. He has the nerve to treat Israel like our trusted best friend. What gall. Trump is now the most beloved U.S. president in Israeli history. Obama is the most disliked.

Trump is piling up victories. The economy is booming. There’s peace on the horizon in North Korea; American prisoners are home from North Korea; the U.S. Embassy has moved to Jerusalem; ISIS is decimated. Trump is making good on all his campaign promises.

Trump is changing the world with his creative “Get It Done Now” business mind. Soon, Obamacare will be repealed and the wall with Mexico will be built. Those are the last two big promises unfulfilled. Trump will find a way to make them both happen. Wanna bet?

The liberal reaction to all this success by Trump is pure insanity — to the point where they are making themselves look silly and damaging their credibility.

Take the Las Vegas Sun. On Tuesday it published a front-page story on U.S. Sen. Dean Heller headlined, “Heller’s angered both sides; Now he’s scrambling to save seat.” I noticed something amiss, so I read it thoroughly four times just to be certain. Most of the stories in the Sun are simply republished straight from the pages of The New York Times. This one was no different. Every word, every sentence was exactly the same as a piece the Times published on Sunday — with one thing missing. Me.

The story was intended as another biased liberal “hit piece” on a Republican senator. The Times included almost exclusively negative quotes about Heller from Nevada Republicans. But even the Times tried to exhibit just a tad of balance. It included one positive quote — from Wayne Allyn Root. I said that despite my being one of Sen. Heller’s harshest critics for years, I’m now going “all in” for him. He has voted with Trump, supported Trump, bought into Trump. He’s now my guy. I will fight with everything I have for Sen. Heller.

That’s what I said, and the Times reported it (more or less).

Funny thing. The Sun re-published the entire article except for my quote. My quote, which was central to the story, was removed. Deleted. Omitted. Some might call that biased. Some might say it’s an ethical lapse. I know one thing: It’s pretty darn slimy.

Why was the mention of Wayne Root removed and nothing else? Perhaps because Sun publisher Brian Greenspun — like so many crazed, obsessed, blind-with-rage liberals — despises Trump and Root? Or maybe because the biased-liberal Sun has lost all perspective and wanted to make the story about Heller’s chances for victory look even worse than their beloved New York Times did?

This purposeful deletion of only one person from the story — yours truly — certainly calls into question the Sun’s journalistic credibility. And it’s certainly another case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Just add it to the list:

■ Rep. Maxine Waters said impeachment is the “only option” because Trump killed the Iran deal.

■ Rep. Al Green calls Trump a bigot and says he is “the quintessential person that impeachment was designed for.” Even Nancy Pelosi says this crazy talk is a gift to Republicans.

■ Democrat senators are pushing an immigration crackdown … on ICE agents.

Keep it up. You’ve lost all credibility. You sound like crazy people. You’re chasing away sane voters by the millions.

Contact Wayne Allyn Root at Hear or watch the nationally syndicated “WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show,” from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at 790 Talk Now and at 5 p.m. on Newsmax TV.

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