When did believing victims become a partisan issue?

Christine Blasey Ford has accused Judge Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault (“Kavanaugh accuser talks to newspaper,” Monday Review-Journal) that supposedly occurred over 36 years ago with very vague details. She says she doesn’t remember the date or location. Yet many Democrat leaders believe her without question.

On the flip side, Minnesota Democrats have selected Keith Ellison to run for state attorney general, and he holds the No. 2 position in the Democratic National Committee. Ellison’s ex-girlfriend has accused him of assault, and there’s a 911 call as evidence.

Democrats still hold the Clintons in high regard despite the numerous claims of sexual assault against Bill Clinton while governor of Arkansas. Hillary Clinton has verbally attacked all of his victims. Yet Democrats selected her to run for president in 2016.

Are only women who accuse Republicans, not Democrats, to be believed?

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