We need jobs, not low-skilled immigrants

To the editor:

Buried on Page 8A of your Feb. 22 edition was a small, and probably not very important press release that was reported as news: “Accord reached on system to bring in low-skill workers.” The AFL-CIO and the Chamber of Commerce have reached an agreement about importing low-skilled workers as part of an immigration reform bill.

The article contained no details. It failed to mention which side wanted to bring them in and which side wanted to keep them out. Nor did it mention how many workers will be permitted or what industries will benefit.

What it did not report got my brain churning. The Barack Obama and Marco Rubio immigration “reforms” will not stop the invasion of unskilled workers. The southern border will not be closed. The so-called “reform” is a continuation of more than 20 years of failure.

So I ask the questions that journalists are afraid to ask. With 14 million currently unemployed Americans, who cannot find a job, why do we need any “temporary” workers? We already have 11 million former low-skilled “temporary” workers living in the shadows, who are now waiting for a short-cut to citizenship. Why do we need more?

Those questions will never be answered. Like Rep. Nancy Pelosi so famously remarked about ObamaCare, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.” That’s how Washington works. If it is a failure, expand it.



High costs

To the editor:

There was an interesting pair of commentaries in Wednesday’s Review-Journal.

Anthony Marinelli wrote a letter about securing the border in which he stated: “ Our educational system is overrun with the children of illegal immigrants.”

On the next page, there was an op-ed by teachers union chief Ruben R. Murillo headlined, “A system set up for failure.” He stated that in Clark County, thousands of teachers taught 50,000 students who don’t speak English as their primary language. He goes on to state that student needs “are magnified by the lack of English Language Learner resources.” And that state Senate Minority Leader Michael Roberson, R-Las Vegas, proposed $20 million to help fund this program.

Is there a link between these two commentaries, and did anyone else pick up on it?




To the editor:

The unlawful, last-minute criminal illegal alien sequestration dump by President Barack Obama shows his utter contempt for the rule of law, the U.S. Congress and his own duty to protect public safety.

Just like in Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela, in Obama’s America there is one absolute ruler who issues executive orders to his pliable subjects.



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