Those who want to get something for nothing
To the editor:
There is an ugly class war going on now. It is the average citizen vs. the public-sector unions and entitlement recipients.
When the progressives talk about how they are going to tax the rich, I want to explode. Do they really think that by taking all investment income from the wealthy there will be any incentive to invest? It appears to be a good talking point for those who want to get something for nothing.
While I am part of the 99 percent, more importantly I am part of the 50 percent who pays income taxes. I have a good union job and yet I know that as they try and tax the rich, the tax really just gets handed to me. The rich can sit on their money or invest overseas or just move. Me, I have to stay and work for my family.
Term limits for the crooks in Washington. No insider trading, as Nancy Pelosi did. While Barney Frank was telling us there was no housing bubble, he told Nancy Pelosi a different story so she could get her money out.
One more law: No public-sector job should pay any more than the average comparable private-sector job. I am about to retire and want my retirement that I paid for, but I want my kids to have a retirement that they pay for — and not be stuck paying for my retirement.
John Lawrence
Bullhead City, Ariz.
Grope job
To the editor:
After reading Vin Suprynowicz’s column in Sunday’s Review-Journal, I wonder what has become of public outrage with personal physical violation. So it’s now OK to sexually grope someone when you are a possible candidate for the presidency? I seem to remember that, not long ago, it was more important to be morally upstanding than intelligent to qualify for the nation’s highest office.
In the matter of Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, remember that Ms. Lewinsky was a consenting adult and the initiator in their physical relationship.
I also seem to remember how outraged many in the Republican Party were concerning the details that Ken Starr, as special prosecutor, revealed and exposed to our children. Why don’t the same individuals even acknowledge that President Obama represents the very qualities of an upstanding family man which they supposedly seek?
When will the hypocrisy of these members of the Republican Party ever end?
Carole Manganaris
Juiced in?
To the editor:
Thank you, Jane Ann Morrison, for your Monday column (“Shift in Henderson city attorney qualifications a boon for Josh Reid”). Those of us who have lived in Henderson for years know this is payback for Sen. Harry Reid hiring Mayor Andy Hafen’s daughter. What Ms. Morrison brought to our attention is the lengths the city will go to please Sen. Reid.
To change the qualifications just for Josh Reid is disgusting, especially when we have someone so much more qualified. We are not supposed to have closed-door meetings — especially when it is a public office selection for someone to serve the people of Henderson. We do not want any more of Harry Reid’s sons starting out in our public offices.
Roxine Hartnett
Reid stink
To the editor:
I was always proud to live in Henderson, believing it was free of Chicago-type politics. Now, when Henderson is interviewing for a city attorney, Sen. Harry Reid is pushing them to hire his son Josh, who did not even meet the minimum job requirements as advertised.
Even though the city already had 32 applicants for the position, the Henderson human resources director downgraded the standards so Josh Reid could qualify. This is politics at its worst.
And I thought Harry Reid stunk up only Washington. Boy, was I wrong.
Joyce Albert
Toxic newts
To the editor:
Newts are animals characterized by a frog-like body with four equal-size limbs and a distinct tail. Red newts produce toxins in their skin secretions, and the newts of western North America are particularly toxic.
America’s Newt Gingrich also has four limbs and a distinct tail. It’s a tail of self-aggrandizement and financial enrichment at the expense of our country.
Newt Gingrich is very much a red newt. His toxins can be found poisoning the well of all taxpayers. Newt uses all of the classic Republican toxic talking points to rail against big government while simultaneously using government for personal enrichment at taxpayer expense.
Newt’s latest revelation comes on the heels of his “consulting” contract with the now financially troubled and government-backed mortgage company Freddie Mac. Newt didn’t waste any time. Five months after leaving Congress he’s on the dole at Freddie, earning far more than ever before.
So during the eight years of the Bush administration and $1.6 million later, just what did he do for Freddie? He had no real background in economics or the mortgage industry, so what was his role while on the dole? He lobbied Congress in order to benefit himself, not our country.
Then, just as the tide began to turn and TARP was the order of the day, Newt has a revelation about Freddie and immediately declares that Freddie Mac is the toxic waste dump of the mortgage industry. Bad for taxpayers, he declares.
Newts are highly toxic animals and contact with the genus Gingrich should be avoided at all cost.
Richard Rychtarik
Las Vegas