Renewable mandates and NV Energy rates

To the editor:

For those who are not aware, NV Energy is a utility monopoly and as such is regulated by the Public Utilities Commission with input from our consumer ombudsman.

There have been numerous recent letters to the editor complaining of the rate increase granted to NV Energy. These certainly are valid, as more energy conservation leads to less revenues and more rate increase requests. A classic Catch-22. I think we are missing part of the story, however.

In the past, state lawmakers passed bills mandating that NV Energy provide 20 percent of its power from alternative fuels (wind, solar and geothermal) by 2020. Also, the company was to take other actions to promote conservation — and the costs incurred would be allowed in its rate base for earnings.

The ratepayer translation is that any increased costs are then allowed to be passed on to the consumer.

Recognizing that solar, wind and geothermal sources can cost three to five times more than current coal- and gas-fired plants, we can anticipate ever-increasing electricity rates, thanks in part to our politicians.

I have no connection to NV Energy, but I do think people should clearly understand “cause and effect.” Any state-mandated increase in business expense is normally passed on to the consumer, who then blames the business involved.

Murray M. MacDonald


GOP field

To the editor:

There have been many stories in the media in the past several months about how many people are not enthused about any of the 2012 Republican presidential candidates.

Many people, however, are not happy about President Obama’s performance in office. Remember the massive repudiation of Mr. Obama’s policies in the November 2010 elections?

A recent Rasmussen poll shows that 50 percent of voters disapprove of Mr. Obama’s performance. Yet there have been few stories in the media about people’s dissatisfaction with the president. This is due to the media’s bias in favor of liberals.

When will we see balanced reporting on the 2012 presidential election? Are there any honest journalists left?

Michael W. Nash

Las Vegas

Stop the threats

To the editor:

In response to Robert Bowen’s Saturday letter:

How dare you give this man a forum to air his sick and violent threats against the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community.

He does not speak for anyone but himself, and if he believes violence is how one solves problems, he needs his own head examined. Violence is not normal — and I feel nothing but sadness for Mr. Bowen’s son, whom he, in his twisted way, thinks he is protecting.

Lisa Crane

Las Vegas

Bad deal

To the editor:

In a wire story in Friday’s Review-Journal, Mexican President Felipe Calderon suggests that Mexico can reduce the costs of Medicare. The medical tourism plan he suggests involves allowing American citizens into Mexico for the purpose of receiving less-expensive medical treatment. The safety aspect for Americans traveling in Mexico is downplayed and not a problem, says Mr. Calderon.

In exchange, the United States will continue to receive its ongoing allotment of indigent, illegal, undocumented aliens who receive free medical care here.

Perhaps, just perhaps, part of the problem of high medical costs in the United States stems from the drain on our system by Mexico’s illegals receiving free care in a safe, risk-free environment called America.

So, the president’s plan will generate benefits for Mexico and its citizens on both sides of the equation.

In the meantime, Americans get to deal with the crowding and absorb all the expense of the cost-benefit analysis. Pure genius. What a deal. What a solution. What a friend.

Ron Failla

Las Vegas

True thoughts

To the editor:

Rep. Joe Heck, R-Nev., went on record saying that he regrets his referring to Social Security as a pyramid scheme. Of course he regrets it. He said it in front of a group of voters who sharply rebuked him when he did it.

Rep. Heck went on to say that those who follow him know his position that he is “fully committed to protecting the promise of Social Security.” People know this?

Because I do not follow him, I thought his remark was just him speaking his mind. I still do. When he said he misspoke, he did not follow up with what he meant to say. Rep. Heck did not express his thought inaccurately — he just regrets saying it, period. It is amazing that this happened to him when you remember how many politicians before him went to town hall meetings and had remarks like this blow up in their faces.

For hours on end, we watch politicians tap dance around their positions with the hope that we will capture a rare moment of unvarnished, unapologetic truth from them. This is one of those moments.

We not only heard the truth, we learned that he is careless about what he says.

Jim Cassidy


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