More self-serving follies from commission
To the editor:
Beware of those dreaded newsracks on the Strip that may or may not slow down the pedestrians (Saturday Review-Journal).
It seems to me the Clark County commissioners woke up one day and decided they had nothing to do. “Hey, let’s create a problem that really isn’t there and solve it. It’ll look like we really are earning our money.” And they also want to move fire hydrants? What? Maybe someone on the commission had a brother-in-law in the hydrant moving business.
What about the money the county would lose that the newsrack owners pay yearly?
Special treatment
To the editor:
I read with dismay that Las Vegas Constable John Bonaventura, who has been in the news so often, won’t be charged with drunken driving even though his blood-alcohol level initially tested at 0.099 percent and he was pulled over by the Nevada Highway Patrol. The investigation showed the trooper may have pulled over the wrong vehicle called in by a concerned motorist (Saturday Review-Journal).
Give me a break. It’s so obvious that District Attorney Steve Wolfson is interpreting the facts loosely so he won’t have to deal with a court case. This seems to be happening more and more often. If you have a “name” around Las Vegas, you can rest assured you will be off the hook.
If this scenario happened to an ordinary citizen, you can bet it would cost him or her plenty. They would have to attend classes and lose the privilege of driving for a while. Once again, it’s not what you did, it’s who you are.
Benghazi questions
To the editor:
In response to Adele Vandehouten’s Thursday letter to the editor, “What about 9/11?”:
It’s OK to ask questions, Ms. Vandehouten. However, you should review history first. Benghazi raises numerous questions as to the given causes of the attack, even though the administration knew the truth the day it happened.
This Obama administration’s response to Benghazi raises many questions that it has not answered to this day. That is a disgrace to the American people and a dishonor to those who perished that day.
Secure the border
To the editor:
John J. Erlanger’s Saturday letter makes a point of the dilemma we face in deporting millions of illegal immigrants. His solution to this problem is to secure the border and deny all services but emergency medical aid — no food stamps, housing subsidies or schooling, etc. That’s a practical and efficient way to solve this problem.
The trouble is both political parties lust for the Hispanic vote. I blame all of the elected representatives of both parties for caring more for votes than the good of our country. Our educational system is overrun with the children of illegal immigrants. Our hospitals and medical facilities are overrun as well. This is very unfair to the citizens of this great country. Our elected officials simply don’t care. They have their special benefits and private schools. The situation doesn’t affect their quality of life as it does ours.
Mr. Erlanger’s point about liberal crybabies is well-taken. If they think separating children from parents is inhumane, I would like to remind them of the Dust Bowl era, when our own people loaded everything they owned into their flimsy cars and migrated with their children. I see absolutely no reason why illegal immigrants with families can’t pack up and leave the country today. Most of them own SUVs or vans that are far superior to the flimsy cars that Dust Bowl farmers owned.
I have no objection to them getting in line to return to the United States if they wish to become citizens, but if they wish to return only for work, then I think we should restrict them to one-year contracts, as Mr. Erlanger suggested.
We had no illegal immigration problem during the 1930s because we had no social-welfare programs in effect at that time. It’s only in recent years that the problem developed, and I’m convinced that it’s our liberal social programs that are the big attraction for them, and also the greed of companies seeking cheap labor.
If these two issues are ignored and the administration rams an immigration reform bill through the House and Senate, we shall be inundated with more illegals, and our quality of life will further deteriorate.
Look at the crime
To the editor:
There’s been a lot of discussion about gun control. Obviously something needs to be done. Some people are even championing taking guns from everyone — including the good guys — entirely.
Seems to me that all those folks have to do to see how unrealistic their solution is, is to check the neighborhood crime map on Page 2 of the View News sections each Tuesday. There are way too many burglaries and home invasions for any reasonable person to think that these will be reduced if the criminals know homeowners no longer have any firearms.
Think about it. Do we all want to be at the mercy of the bad guys?