Media conspiracy denies Obama’s debate victory
To the editor:
What was that you said, Mitt Romney? No tax cuts for the rich? And you’re going to reduce the deficit, cut taxes for everyone, keep all the good parts of ObamaCare, increase the military budget and create jobs? And all by getting rid of Big Bird?
Shame on the media. I don’t know what insulted me more: pundits’ summations of the debate or Mr. Romney’s debate performance. To think that anyone would publicly call that desperate used-car salesman’s pitch recited by Mr. Romney a “win” was as much an affront to my intelligence as Mr. Romney’s act itself.
Clearly, Mr. Romney thinks 47 percent of the nation’s people are irresponsible, mooching victims. Now we are all stupid, too. And the media fed right into it after Wednesday night’s presidential debate, giving unwarranted praise to lies and harmful propaganda while bashing President Obama for his reserve and consistency. Listening to your criticism of the president for not stooping to the level of a used-car salesman was painful, disheartening and frustrating.
Mr. Romney’s hyperactive bullying and lying was not a win. Mr. Romney once again transformed himself for his audience. How many masks does this man own? That wasn’t a debate, that was a masquerade ball introducing moderate, caring Mitt Romney to the American public. How can you debate a man who stands for nothing and tells blatant lies? You don’t. You let him talk himself right into his self-made noose.
This debate did not change the minds of decided voters on either side. And if you have yet to decide, heed the words of actor Samuel L. Jackson in his web advertisement for President Obama.
Geneva Lemon
Las Vegas
Does he want the job?
To the editor:
Judging by his debate performance on Wednesday night, the question needs to be asked: Does President Obama really want to be president for another four years?
He appeared lethargic and disinterested onstage in Denver, while his answers were trite rehashes from his standard stump speech. Millionaires and billionaires with their corporate jets, Big Oil’s tax deductions – the American people have heard this divisive rhetoric for the past four years and expected more from this intelligent man in a live-TV, hand-to-hand-combat format. The president himself seemed tired of his own arguments. Actually, he just seem tired.
Given the choice between someone who clearly wants to be hired by us and is prepared to do the job, and someone whose enthusiasm clearly has waned for the position and looks like he would prefer to be doing something else, it may be time for citizens to muster the courage to let Mr. Obama go.
Eric Houssels
Las Vegas
That’s the ticket!
To the editor:
Of all the excuses I have heard for President Obama’s less-than-stellar debate performance Wednesday night, the most laughable one was given by former Vice President Al Gore. He claimed it was the altitude in Denver.
Some have pointed out that Mr. Obama spent Sunday through Wednesday in Henderson, and then flew to Denver, going from 2,100 feet to 5,280 feet. Meanwhile, Mr. Romney was in Denver all of that time. How many Southern Nevadans who travel between here and places with high elevations such as Utah, Colorado or Northern Nevada have experienced difficulty thinking when we got there? I haven’t.
If President Obama is so affected by altitude, do we want him making decisions about launching nuclear weapons while he is aboard Air Force One, with a cabin pressure equivalent to 8,000 feet? Should he be restricted to making decisions only at sea level?
Anders Sorensen
Las Vegas
Free expression
To the editor:
President Obama used his recent speech to the United Nations to perpetuate the narrative that those offended by our freedom of expression were responsible for the attack on our consulate in Libya, not jihadists seeking our destruction. President Obama was quoted as saying, “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam.” This actual quote from President Obama – telling non-Muslims to abide by Shariah blasphemy laws – sounds exactly like Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini demanding the western world heed Shariah law.
President Obama’s continued complaints and apologies about the YouTube video only encourages the Islamic terrorists to continue their violence against Americans. President Obama has to go before he completely destroys this country.
Brian Aiken
Las Vegas
Cost increase
To the editor:
During a meeting with employees, Fred Horvath, Henderson’s human resources director, reminded workers that their health insurance premiums will increase by $500 a year because of ObamaCare (“Video fuels health care angst,” Thursday Review-Journal).
This is a painful reminder to many voters who believed President Obama, Rep. Shelley Berkley and Rep. Dina Titus when they declared that ObamaCare would reduce, not increase health care costs. Rep. Berkley and Rep. Titus both voted for ObamaCare without reading the bill, after being pressured by Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Both are running for federal office this year, and based on their past voting records, both will vote as Rep. Pelosi and Sen. Harry Reid request.
Nevada deserves to be represented by officials who have their best interests at heart and will not blindly follow party leaders. Instead of focusing on jobs and the economy, President Obama and his supporters were occupied with delivering his centerpiece legislation without regard for voters suffering through a recession. Instead of improving the economy, President Obama, Rep. Berkley and Rep. Titus gave us ObamaCare, record-level unemployment, welfare and food stamps.
Mike Anthony
Las Vegas