LETTER: Wildlife Commission needs to represent all Nevadans
I recently attended a Nevada Board of Wildlife Commission meeting. It was appalling to observe the blatant disregard and subversion of the democratic process by the refusal to consider a proposal asking for discourse and rule-making on wildlife killing contests, despite the growing opposition to these events. What happened to fair representation of all Nevadans?
Further, this commission joined a campaign intended to escalate the removal of three-fourths of our wild horses and burros via BLM methods. Meanwhile, millions of cattle are allowed to graze on public lands with no threat of removal.
I learned that those Nevadans among the public sector who voice concern about the more egregious abuses of our wildlife are considered “extremists” by this commission.
It’s sad and very concerning that Nevada’s board that governs the management of our wildlife is so behind the times and refuses to acknowledge the interests of the majority of the public.