LETTER: Why is the teachers union keeping kids out of the classroom?

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So when does the Clark County Education Association dictate to the School Board and school district when they will return to the classrooms? Is there something in their contract that allows this? They haven’t had to be in a classroom in almost a year, and they haven’t had to pay for child care for pre-school age children. Children who should be in school are having a very difficult time learning online. I know this for a fact.

But now the plan is to raise taxes to pay for teacher raises. These raises will be paid for by casinos that have had to lay off most of their staff and a sales tax increase to hammer the same people who have been out of work.

Now the big question: Have the teachers, bus drivers, school police and custodial, office and maintenance staffs all been paid throughout this pandemic? How much money has the district saved this year? It should be more than enough to give these greedy teachers a raise without taxing the rest of us.

If you chose to be a teacher to get rich, you chose the wrong profession. The union has no right to dictate when to open the schools, and the district has no right to let them. School-age children are the least likely to get COVID, and teachers can social distance and wear masks like the rest of us.

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