LETTER: Why are Southern Nevada seniors waiting outside for COVID shots?
I keep seeing photos of long lines of people with walkers, canes and in wheelchairs waiting outdoors hoping for their COVID-19 shots. These lines are at sites established by the Clark County Health District, such as the convention center.
It is unconscionable that these folks are forced to spend hours outdoors in not the greatest of weather conditions.
My wife and I, both in our 80s, secured an appointment at a Smith’s pharmacy. Including paperwork and the 15-minute observation time after the shots, the entire process took a bit more than 30 minutes. Two days later, we were called with a date for our second shots.
If a supermarket pharmacy can dispense the vaccine efficiently and maintain a schedule, one would think that a department staffed by professional health care workers could do as well if not better. Seems like the health district could benefit from having its staff work at a for-profit pharmacy a few days to see how it dispenses the vaccine seamlessly.