LETTER: Wayne Allyn Root and the black helicopters
Finally, a new Moses to lead us to the Promised Land. I refer to Wayne Allyn Root (“Yes, we need an intervention”, May 26 column).
Mr. Root has rooted out the lowlife Democrats who have been organizing a massive coup against the Trump administration, right down to its community organizer, Barack Obama.
Mr. Root tells all. Festering beneath the apparently benign subsurface of American society is a giant conspiracy that makes all previous political scandals look like a bean bag. The only things Mr. Root leaves out are the satchel bombs that brought down the World Trade Center, the black tanks hidden in the Dakotas, the faked landing on the moon and, of course, the virgin birth of Obama on a lily pad in Kenya.
Mr. Root modestly reminds us that he’s been on top of this from Day One. Pray for him.