LETTER: Trump and Musk’s troubling partnership
Donald Trump recently trumpeted his latest, greatest idea: He’ll install Elon Musk to oversee a panel to investigate excessive government regulation.
This is the same Mr. Musk who fills countless parking lots in about a dozen states, including here in Las Vegas, with newly manufactured Teslas he can’t sell. This brilliant guy over-produces his own cars and trucks. And we’re to believe he can handle reforming the federal government? Talk about the inmates running the asylum.
Mr. Trump filled his first administration with successful, intelligent business leaders, and they all jumped ship because they found him to be a fraud and ill-equipped for the job. Should he win again, he’ll fill his administration with his like-minded “genius” friends who, like Mr. Trump, fail at every business endeavor they take on.
What do Mr. Trump, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mr. Musk all have in common? They fell into wealth and spent their lives wasting it through arrogance, mismanagement and greed, but they demand respect from those of us functioning in life with no help from others.