LETTER: Titus astounded at brazen shoplifters
From the Debra Saunders’ Sunday piece, “Retail pirates operate without fear”: Rep. Dina Titus, D-Nevada, was in a Walgreens and was surprised to witness a man load items from the store into his backpack and walk out. No employees did anything. She asked one of the employees if she saw what happened, and the employee said that this same person does this a couple of times a week.
Rep. Titus thinks she can do something about this by co-sponsoring the “Combating Organized Retail Crime Act of 2023.”. Is Rep. Titus aware that the Legislature is controlled by Democrats who, in their infinite wisdom, decided that someone had to steal $1,200 in merchandise before it was a felony? In other words, the police are not going to waste their time because the system isn’t going to prosecute.
My suggestion to Rep. Titus: If she really wants to do something to change this type of behavior, there’s a very simple solution. Tell the citizens of Nevada to stop voting for Democrats.