LETTER: Republicans are accomplices to President Donald Trump’s dirty deeds

President Donald Trump. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Now that the first stage of President Donald Trump’s impeachment investigation has been completed, I have to say that I love the self-righteous Republicans in Congress, several of whom were in office in December 1998 when a Republican House voted to impeach President Bill Clinton for the “high crime” of lying about a sexual affair. Yet now these same Republicans apparently see nothing wrong with President Trump delaying military aid to a desperate ally (Ukraine) in order to extract a promise from that ally to investigate one of his main domestic political rivals.

This is hypocrisy and corruption at its core.

Mr. Trump’s actions represent an abuse of power by any objective measure, and there is plenty of evidence that they occurred. If Republicans condone this behavior, as they appear ready to do, it will make them accomplices after the fact, and they will be viewed very harshly by the long lens of history.

Perhaps they don’t care how history will view them — but they should. There will be an accounting.

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