LETTER: Rep. Susie Lee drinking from the Trump Derangement Syndrome Kool-Aid
I read the Tuesday opinion piece from Rep. Susie Lee. She writes with a “heavy heart” attempting to justify her support of the impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump. I, too, have a heavy heart when I know I’m being fed a line and asked to believe lies and half-truths from those whose only goal is to reverse my presidential vote.
The “facts” she cites are not facts at all, but merely a way of rationalizing another in a series of long, tired attempts to remove Mr. Trump from office with unsupported allegations. This time, however, the Democrats won’t risk another special counsel disaster, which exposed their Russia hoax. Now they went directly to the inside assistance of “Deep State” actors.
As for facts, Rep. Lee would ask you to disregard several. Most importantly, Mr. Trump’s conduct was not only appropriate, but constitutionally legal and required. Is Joe Biden exempt from a corruption investigation merely by running for office?
Rep. Lee should spend less time at the Trump Derangement Syndrome Kool-Aid punch bowl and more time actually fighting for Nevada families.