LETTER: Hunter Biden story deserves more attention
Here we are two weeks from a presidential election, and the boldest headlines I have ever seen in the Review-Journal tout a nonstory about the president and Anthony Fauci (Tuesday). Sorry, this is yesterday’s news. The headlines and top story should be about Joe Biden’s pay-for-play schemes with his son, Hunter, as revealed by emails on Hunter’s forgotten laptop.
The evidence is clear and irrefutable, the Russia disinformation lies by Adam Schiff have been debunked and Joe Biden has been exposed by his own son as a corrupt liar who has used his nearly 50 years in politics to enrich himself and his family. Most worrisome is that, if Mr. Biden happens to get elected, will he be subject to blackmail or undue influence from the foreign governments he has been receiving kickbacks from. Why hasn’t the RJ focused on the real story of the day; a story that has the potential to affect all of our lives and the future direction of our country? And, why is this story being suppressed by social media and the major news outlets?