LETTER: Eliminating deans in the school district is overdue
It was a great move to eliminate deans in middle and high schools (Tuesday Review-Journal). I taught in the Clark County schools for 25 years and still sub. Deans are not needed. Teachers have to handle the classroom discipline.
In order to send a student to the dean, a teacher must first talk to the student. Then contact the parent. Then send the student to the counselor. Then, finally, they go to the dean. Schools keep kids in school even if they are disruptive. Students were sent back to the classroom where they continued to be problems.
The school system is a mess. Students continually play with their cellphones, come to class tardy and don’t do their work, yet graduate because they are not held accountable through proficiency exams. By eliminating deans, you not only save money, but free funds for more appropriate uses.