LETTER: Dying on your own terms

Hanna Olivas cuddles with her grandchild Dominic Camacho, 2, at her home in Las Vegas, Wednesda ...

In response to your Oct. 21 story on assisted suicide (“Woman wants right to die on her own terms”):

On Oct. 13, my husband passed away from terminal cancer. We discussed doctor-assisted death but knew it was not legal in Nevada. With hospice care, I was able to ease his transition from life to a peaceful death. I just wish I could have eased his severe pain sooner. His pain was my pain. There are angels on Earth, and they are hospice doctors and nurses.

I very much support Hanna Olivas and her decision to go to California, but I need her to know that there are so many caring medical professionals here in Nevada. God bless her in her struggle, and bless her family, too.

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