LETTER: Don’t worry about signatures at the polls

(AP Photo/Kiichiro Sato)

I have read several letters concerned with voting security, and I have to ask: Why the big concern. Signing an electronic pad is a practically a daily occurrence at restaurants, pharmacies and a few other places. Do we make a big deal when we scribble our names on these devices? Just like at the retailing types, our scribble is backed by the credit or debit card used. The signature indicates that you agree to pay. In the voting process, people have to register to vote. As to the argument that an ID is needed, well that personal information has been established.

So when people complain about our method of security, let’s remember that years ago you went to vote and it was compared to the voter rolls. Again, this was not a 100 percent secure process. The current voting process may not be the best ever developed, but it is a compromise to allow the most voters at a rate that would speed up the process.

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