LETTER: Dina Titus endorses corrupt Joe Biden
Rep. Dina Titus announced last week that she is endorsing Joe Biden for the Democrat presidential nomination. How can our representative endorse a candidate with so many corruption stories?
Newly released documents from Judicial Watch confirmed Vice President Biden used his office to protect energy company Burisma from anti-corruption scrutiny. The report also shows that Ukrainian officials said his son, Hunter Biden, who served on Burisma’s board at the time, received a salary of $50,000 per month, plus a commission. The documents confirmed that in 2015, Ukraine official Mykola Zlochevsky paid $900,000 in consulting fees to Rosemont Seneca Partners, a company that represented the Bidens’ interests.
If Mr. Biden did this as vice president, can you imagine what he will do as president? Rep. Titus should endorse someone reputable.