LETTER: Businesses continue to leave California

Hewlett Packard Enterprise President & CEO Antonio Neri, right, rings the New York Stock Exchan ...

I read with interest the Dec. 14 Review-Journal editorial about how Texas is attracting businesses from blue states such as California due to its low taxes and friendly work environment – which is just the opposite of California’s heavy-handed regulations and extremely high taxes. In addition there is an arrogance from many of these elected Democrat officials in California that would indicate that their progressive agenda is far more important than creating and keeping a positive work environment.

In other words, everyone wants to be in California, they believe, so we can screw you over all we wish and you will take it. Well … that time has finally ended.

What that editorial correctly warned was that Nevada and its democratically controlled Legislature best be mindful of what is happening to their progressive buddies on the West Coast and not, for once, follow their anti-business, tax and spend policies. What I was left with, however, was a question: Why is it that companies such as Hewlett Packard are fleeing California and flying right over Nevada to get to Texas? Why are they not taking a few steps across the border and coming here?

Is it the poor school performance? Is there a fear that Nevada is a somewhat blue state where higher taxes and more regulations will continue to be promoted? Have we not promoted our state? I don’t know the answer, but I sure as heck would be asking these companies why we are not being considered well before they tip their wings to us as they fly over Nevada on their way to Texas.

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