LETTER: Biden delivers more hateful rhetoric
Don Ellis’s Saturday letter asserts that the “MAGA clan” is pretending to support Donald Trump even when he goes on his hateful rants. He must have missed Joe Biden’s campaign kickoff speech last week.
Mr. Biden continues to rant about the MAGA crowd, disparaging 75 million Americans. His hateful remarks about millions of Americans is all he can think about. Well, you can’t blame him because we know he cannot talk about all the things he has done to destroy this country during his presidency. To say he is a failure is an understatement. Even Democrats are distancing from him.
Mr. Ellis claims Mr. Trump has a loose screw. Well, if securing our border, creating U.S. energy independence, keeping the country out of wars and keeping crime at bay are problems, I give Mr Ellis the right to call me a loony tune.
Mr. Biden also is constantly saying the MAGA crowd is a threat to democracy. The real threat to democracy is trying to keep a candidate off the ballot. Mr. Biden’s effort to suppress free speech is a threat. During the 2020 election cycle, Mr. Biden and his team worked to control social media posts, especially those about Hunter Biden’s very real laptop.
If anyone is pretending, it is surely those who are supporting the worst president in modern history, Joe Biden. These are the people living in fantasyland.