LETTER: A magnanimous gesture at Morehouse College regarding student loans

Robert E. Smith of Morehouse College recently announced he would pay the student loan debt of 396 of the school’s graduates (Monday Review-Journal). While a magnanimous gift, it does not set a good example.
We already have Democratic candidates talking about free college tuition and forgiving student loans, which gives students false hope that they won’t have to pay what they owe.
I went to a college with the help of student loans. I didn’t expect anyone to pay or forgive my debt. I worked hard and repaid every penny within six years. While it was a struggle, I felt a sense of pride when that final check was written. That sense of pride strengthened my honesty and integrity, which I live by every day.
So what is going to strengthen our 40 million students with loans? Handouts? Empty promises? A socialist agenda? Or maybe just tough love and the sense of pride in living up to a commitment.