Governors doing what they have to do
To the editor:
As a member of the National Education Association, I believe the hard-working, taxpaying public should be aware there are some in the NEA who do not support the striking teachers in Wisconsin. It is my opinion that the Wisconsin teachers should be fired — period. It is deplorable, the conduct and attitude of those teachers.
My hat is off to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, as well as to Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval, as they both know that the states do not have the money any longer to cover the bloated budgets. Not only do both of those states need drastic cuts due to bloated wages, benefits and other issues, but pension reform is drastically needed. Gov. Walker is correct when he states that the teachers (as well as all public employees) should be paying 5.8 percent into their own pension plan, as well as 12 percent of the health insurance monthly payments.
In 1937, Franklin D. Roosevelt wrote in a letter that collective bargaining for public employees is not in the best interest of the country — and he was correct. It is far past time for public employees to begin to pay their fair share.
gary j. toll
Doing God’s work
To the editor:
In response to "Salaries fodder for budget fight" (Tuesday Review-Journal):
The Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce is partaking in its annual festivity of attacking the middle class and working families of Nevada. While the chamber demands quality education, infrastructure and human services, the chamber assumes that these services can be provided without compensating the service providers: public employees.
Our teachers, professors, nurses and correctional officers provide critical services to the state in the form of public health, safety and education. Nevadans demand quality services and are willing to pay for them. The public work force has been reduced over the years, and they continue to do more with less. Caseloads serving our most vulnerable populations have doubled.
The chamber’s annual attack piece takes the debate away from the state’s revenue crisis and tries to blame public-sector workers. We need a balanced approach to balancing the budget and an honest discussion. Studies like this undermine the real discussion about how to properly fund our state and how to provide services in the most efficient manner.
When does the chamber plan to release CEO salaries of its member businesses?
Vishnu Subramaniam
The writer is chief of staff of AFSCME Local 4041, which represents Nevada state employees.
Takes leave
To the editor:
Columnist Glenn Cook’s dislike for Dina Titus is rather apparent in his Feb. 27 column. The way I understand it, Ms. Titus has always taken a leave of absence from her job as a UNLV professor when she’s serving in elected office.
I wonder if Mr. Cook questions whether Rep. Joe Heck is going to report or claim anything regarding his taxpayer-funded, Washington, D.C., living arrangements?
Juanita Demchak
Las Vegas
It’s about jobs
To the editor:
In a time of hype, hysteria and hyperbole, Review-Journal columnist Geoff Schumacher stands out as a voice of reason. In his Thursday column, "Brothel backfire," he presents the case that attacking legal brothels is counterproductive.
I not only agree, I feel that in Nevada’s present time of economic stress there are far more pressing matters. With all the problems facing our state, I find it sad that Harry Reid would spend his time focusing on such a minuscule part of our overall economy.
Let’s talk about cuts to education, mortgages and jobs, Sen. Reid. Jobs.
Darlien C. Breeze
Las Vegas
Captive clients
To the editor:
In his Wednesday commentary concerning renewable electrical power, Michael Yackira, president and CEO of NV Energy, repeatedly refers to NV Energy clients as "customers." This would be true only if we had a choice in our power utility. As it stands now, we are held captive by the monopoly owned by a private company, NV Energy, and should be properly referred to as "captive clients."
As with everything else in life, a little choice would be a good thing.
Brian Covey
Las Vegas
Nap time
To the editor:
I take exception to Thursday’s letter to the editor by William Mathis regarding Rep. Joe Heck and other representatives sleeping in their offices. We taxpayers of Nevada are much better off if, in fact, our congressional representatives do sleep in their offices.
First off, in order for Rep. Heck to hold a town hall meeting with his constituents while he is in Washington, D.C., he must call at 10 p.m. Eastern time so he can reach people in the West at 7 p.m. This has to be set up from his office.
Second, Rep. Heck does not waste time traveling to and from a temporary residence outside of Washington. Instead, he can work late into the night on the people’s business.
Third, because it is so very expensive to live within 40 miles of his congressional office, which would be at his expense, he can save his money and not throw it away on an expense that he doesn’t need to incur.
I tried to live outside of D.C. with a family and could not do so — I had to stay in temporary quarters, and I could not afford to move my family there.
Finally, Rep. Heck cannot afford a penthouse suite at the Hyatt Regency, and none is provided for him. So I agree 100 percent with him and others (Democrats and Republicans) sleeping in their offices because it helps them better remember us back in Nevada than if they were wasting time and money on a second residence.
Most important, the costs of the gym at which the congressman and others clean up at in the morning comes out of their own pockets. It is not paid by us taxpayers. Now you will have a healthy congressman who is in shape to do the people’s business.
Robert B. Sulliman Jr.