Economic common sense on the minimum wage
To the editor:
I would like to commend the Review-Journal for printing Amity Shlaes’ June 30 commentary, “Wage laws idling teens.” She hit the nail on the head when pointing out the problems facing young people finding work
The purpose of the minimum wage was to eliminate sweat shops, not to provide an income n which to support a family.
Naturally, young people are disproportionately hurt trying to enter the job market
The student, looking for part-time employment or vacation work, will have many less options. Student employment often provides enough income to reduce the need for various loan and grant programs as well as teaching the student the merits in receiving a pay check that was earned. Time spent being productive trumps that spent marching in protests over education cuts, funded by taxes paid by others
The young non-student faces similar problems. The more time and money an employer must pay to train a new hire, the less likely he will put the “Help Wanted” sign out. Easier-to-obtain jobs would give the entry level young person a better chance of learning a skill that would serve his or her interests
Not only the young are hurt by a high minimum wage. How about the retiree, largely dependent on Social Security who hasn’t received a COLA raise in 2 years and would like a part-time job to supplement his income as a store greeter or delivery person.? Or a working parent who would like additional income in a job where benefits such as free child care, employee discounts, use of vehicle, etc. would compensate for a lower wage?
Lets not be taken in by believing the higher minimum wage will penalize business while helping all workers. It can only eliminate jobs.
Robert Latchford
In a name
To the editor:
Richard Lake is just the latest Review-Journal staff member to use confusing terminology when referring to the various sports facility proposals in the valley. In his Wednesday story, “UNLV project planning proceeds,” he writes that Caesars Entertainment is planning to build a “stadium” near the Imperial Palace. Most people would recognize the 20,000-seat proposal for basketball as an “arena.”
He also calls the 40,000-seat proposal at UNLV a “football arena.” Most people would be confused by such terminology since we’re used to calling it a football “stadium.”
Under proper English definitions, using these words interchangeably isn’t terrible, but the common usage is: An arena is smaller and holds events such as basketball and hockey. A stadium is bigger and holds events such as football and soccer.
Using the right words will help alleviate confusion as lawmakers, the public and anyone else is assessing these proposals.
Rick Arpin
Las Vegas
R-J wordsmith
To the editor:
Credit the Review-Journal’s pop music critic with keeping this senior citizen interested in the world of the young music makers. I, of course am referring to Jason Bracelin.
If I recall in one of the recent “Best of Las Vegas” publications the paper’s editorial staff gave notice to his fine writing. And it is outstanding. He has a magnificent way with words, his use of metaphors and the overall verve to his writing should encourage anyone interested in language to give him attention. All of this was amply brought out in his front page coverage of the rave festival last month.
Seldom do I pay much attention to the latest pop group to come and go, nor do I always understand this music, but I do read what Mr. Bracelin has to say about the various performances and his insight as to whether it is noteworthly or not. What he presents indeed does provides a window into our contemporary culture and it sure is our obligation to pay attention to that world.
One last point: His writing is devoid of cliche, something that is so hard to do in writing about music generally. Music is appreciated best by listening to it for it is an art that somehow cannot easily be captured even through the wonders of English.
Yet Mr Bracelin comes close to doing this.
Also, he is not vulgar in his expression, again so difficult given the vernacular of our youth today.
I will continue to read his reporting and as a writer he continues to master his art. I hope that for one who is quite young he contiues to develop the craft he is mastering.
T. W. Lindenberg
North Las Vagas