Don’t ask him what he wants it for
To the editor:
After watching the ultra-liberal diatribe delivered by President Barack Obama last Monday, I have to wonder how long it’ll be before the country will be torn apart by the one currency that binds us all: money.
If the government follows this liberal path, the unrelenting force of mathematics will demand that in the future we’ll face these eventualities:
First, to maintain Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, the withholding rates will have to be raised on each and every working American. This will, unfortunately, be a taxpayer “holiday” in reverse and cost a person making $50,000 a year $1,000 or so in additional withholding. Second, after the expansion of Medicaid so wrongfully put forth by Gov. Brian Sandoval, Nevadans will face the looming prospect of increasing tax burdens, most likely hallmarked by a rise in the state sales tax to 10 percent, like our liberal neighbors to the west. Third, wages and unemployment will be stagnant and inflation will run rampant.
Finally, that unconquerable monster known as mathematics will demand that the federal government raise taxes not just on the rich, but on every American. For as all politicians and mathematicians know, the pool of taxpaying rich isn’t nearly deep enough to satiate the desires of the liberal left. When the point is reached where our liberal masters stride to the podium and make a call for “all Americans to pay a little bit more,” America as a whole will be faced with this choice: Are we a free nation or are we to live our lives to feed the government beast?
The real question is, will it be too late to save ourselves?
Two years and out
To the editor:
Las Vegas Fire Chief Mike Myers announced his retirement, giving two weeks’ notice (Wednesday Review-Journal).
Reading the Review-Journal article further, it’s revealed that Myers participated in a “study” of the Fire Department. This study was, of course, on how to cut fat within the department at the disapproval of the firefighters union.
It certainly seems to be a common trend among civil servants to retire when the going gets tough. This phenomenon is apparent, ranging from top federal civil servant positions down to city department heads. Mr. Myers was appointed chief in January 2011, and then he retires two years later. Clearly his public employee pension went much higher. He retires now at the top of his game.
The next chief appointed should be contracted to serve at least five or 10 years.
If the chief doesn’t fulfill the obligation, then the compensation package should be rescinded. This would save taxpayers from having to foot the bill of short-term public officials bailing out at the right time and at the top of their pay.
Yes, Mr. Myers did serve more than 25 years with the department. But to sit as chief for only two years and then bail out? Priceless.
Welfare for seniors
To the editor:
So, Sarah H. Guarino thinks that receiving an additional $18.50 a month in taxpayer money is a “meaningless handout from our benevolent government” (Tuesday letter).
She apparently doesn’t see the irony that her entire Social Security check is simply a handout from a benevolent government. Is there any wonder why Social Security is bankrupt?