Democrats won’t compromise on taxes

To the editor:

In his Tuesday column, Steve Sebelius fairly described the stalemate on taxes between Democrats and Republicans as the end of the 2013 legislative session approaches.

What Mr. Sebelius does not say in his otherwise excellent column is that Republicans have been offering to compromise on taxes as long as Democrats are willing to compromise on spending issues such as prevailing wage laws and public employee wages, benefits and pensions.

Republicans seem to understand that every wasted dollar spent on the bloated wages, pensions and benefits of these public and private-sector union workers is a dollar confiscated from Nevada’s hardworking families, who are struggling to survive, much less think of retiring in their mid-40s with six-figure pensions and medical benefits for life.

I thank God for the courageous Republicans in Carson City who, like the brave Spartan warriors at Thermopylae, refuse to submit to overwhelming pressure to surrender. I wonder when the public will wake up and realize it’s the Republicans who are fighting for their jobs, their families and their future. All the Democrats have to offer are job-killing tax hikes forever in order to feed the insatiable demand for higher wages, pensions and benefits for their union masters.

Mike Edens

Las Vegas

Healing UMC

To the editor:

Another reason University Medical Center needs to be run by an independent board of business and medical professionals, free of political influences and pressures, was in Monday’s newspaper: “UMC nonprofit loses tax status.”

Health care, particularly in Southern Nevada, is an extremely competitive business. As my friend Bill Flangas often states, “Around the world money talks. In Las Vegas it sings.”

As chief of staff at UMC in 1982 and 1983, I was instrumental in establishing the first foundation the hospital ever had in its 52 years of existence (at that time). It became very apparent that major donors were reluctant to give money as long as the County Commission was part of the UMC equation.

Former CEO Lacy Thomas was directly responsible for the demise of the telethon and foundation at UMC. He should have been tried and penalized rather than be allowed to slip out to another state and carry on with his life since he adversely affected many lives in Southern Nevada.



Benghazi reaction

To the editor:

I watched the president take questions from news reporters about Benghazi and Syria. I then turned to CNN for reaction. I was amazed to see the commentator refer to “the Republicans” in almost every sentence about questions regarding Benghazi.

Why are these questions not raised by the Democrats? Is it possible this issue is a problem for them and lies directly on their shoulders? The president’s Teleprompter response was a repeat of every lie he has given us since Day One.

Gregory Hicks stated under oath that he called the White House at the time of the Benghazi attack and repeated the last words spoken by Ambassador Christopher Stevens: “Greg, we’re under attack.” He called Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seven hours prior to the final attack.

Now that the president has pulled off his re-election, he says the IRS situation is very serious and must be “investigated.” Let’s see what the media do in covering this issue.



Sickening coverage

To the editor:

I have read your onslaught of reputation-ruining articles regarding the “tummy trouble” that 200 people reported after eating at the Firefly restaurant (“Firefly illness toll rises to 200,” Saturday Review-Journal).

I’m disgusted at the way you have egregiously ruined owner John Simmons’ reputation. Your latest missive purveyed the name of a Seattle attorney so the remainder of the people with stomachaches can jump on the bandwagon, have their erroneous day in court and pick up a check. Attorney Bill Marler was even quoted in your article saying, “I don’t think any of them will die.”

According to your own article, 48 million people are sickened annually by food poisoning and 3,000 die. That would mean the people who ate at Firefly, statistically speaking, face an incredibly small chance of death.

How can your newspaper continue with this farce? And we wonder why our insurance and associated medical expenses are skyrocketing. Do you think fake lawsuits and illnesses might play a role?



Cut taxes

To the editor:

I read in Tuesday’s newspaper that Gov. Brian Sandoval is proposing to spend the state’s projected tax surplus on education, with some of those funds going to English Language Learner programs.

I have a novel idea for the governor and all the other spenders: If we have any surplus funds coming in, let’s first reduce taxes. I didn’t see any collapse of anything of importance the last couple of years based on the revenue being generated, so if revenue is increasing, let’s reduce taxes.

Second, I cannot recall when the public ever specified that money be spent to bring any specific nationality up to reading standards. So why the special treatment? Learn English like everyone else had to.



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