An intellectual giant we should emulate

As a giant in a world full of pygmies, speaking strictly in terms of logical intellect and reasoning, Charles Krauthammer always maintained a great sense of personal humility. Some may not know who he was or how he became the man he was, but he really should be admired and held as a model for us to emulate. He was always willing to listen but held to his strong core principles.

He started his time in the political world writing for the New Republic, a left-leaning publication, actually working in President Carter’s administration, then was a speechwriter for Walter Mondale. So how could he become one of the most prolific, influential people in the USA? Using his words, “it took about a decade.”

Through his intellectual, logical reasoning and study of results of political policy, he was able to separate policies that work in real life from things that don’t. He always tied to stay away from personality factors, which was very difficult at times. He may have pointed out one’s flaws but never in a demeaning manner and always with his personal humility. I, for one, will miss his unique style of wit, logical reasoning and intellect, sometimes with a degree of sarcastic humor.

May God bless you, Charles.

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