County isn’t ‘sitting’ on anything
To the editor:
Your Saturday article and Monday editorial about the draft Kessler report concerning how Clark County handles building complaints need clarification.
First, consultant Michael Kessler submitted a draft of his report, we reviewed it and then made suggestions last week on how to improve its accuracy and formatting. Mr. Kessler took in that feedback, and now it is entirely up to Mr. Kessler whether he decides to incorporate our suggestions in his final report or not.
Contrary to what you wrote, the county is not “sitting” on a final report, for Mr. Kessler has not yet delivered it. We are as anxious as you to receive it — we did, after all, commission it.
Your articles suggested nefarious motives. In fact, it is commonplace for the authors of such reports to prepare drafts so that they may be reviewed for accuracy. It is the responsible thing to do. Further, there has always been an understanding that the county would receive a draft report to review for accuracy. Mr. Kessler must ultimately determine when his report is final, and he alone is responsible for its contents.
The county funded this report to evaluate the Building Division’s handling of a citizen’s complaint. Our goal is to determine what errors occurred and what changes can be made to improve the handling of similar complaints in the future (including those received by our Fire Department). These are important matters for this community and we look forward to receiving and sharing Mr. Kessler’s report with our citizens.
Erik Pappa
Release report now
To the editor:
Cark County Manager Virginia Valentine has been walking around with the “Kessler report” in her purse for three weeks (“County yet to release audit,” Saturday Review-Journal)? She refuses to let the commissioners or the taxpayers sneek a peek at the report until she and other administrators are done “editing” it?
This “Kessler report” tells us exactly how knee-deep in dung her friends at the Building Department and Harrah’s really are. We paid for a report that could save tens of thousands of lives. Whip it out, Ms. Valentine. This game is over.
We’re all in harm’s way, and she doesn’t want to tell us when and where it’s going to happen next? Talk about a game of Russian roulette. I can hear the tourist flight cancellations from my bunker. Has this town lost its mind?
I demand an answer from the Clark County Commission. You hired her, right?
What other reports are in her purse? While you’re in there, grab the “Desai report.” How long has that been collecting dust? Grab the “Sunrise Landfill report.” What’s that smell? Grab the “UMC report.” Untold graft and corruption.
I remember when the feds finally gave us the “Galardi report.” People went to prison. That’s where this one’s headed, my friends. We need to to see the original Kessler report. Anything less should be considered a crime.
I’m asking on behalf of the 40,000 (and counting) people who never would have gone to the Endoscopy Center of Southern Nevada if they would have been warned in advance. You’re killing us.
John Dempsey
Fool me twice
To the editor:
I just read the Saturday letter by Rajendar Singal regarding the closing of the Endoscopy Center of Southern Nevada. Mr. Singal was in favor of reopening the center, as the damage has already been done and corrective actions were now in place. He praises Dr. Dipak Desai for the good he has done for the community.
I wonder if Mr. Singal would feel the same if he had been one of the 40,000 patients notified about their risk of infection after undergoing procedures at the center (as I was).
I agree with Mr. Singal that the clinic should be reopened so that patients who require its services can have their procedures performed. However, the center should be reopened only after there is new management and a new staff in place. Dr. Desai has already demonstrated his lack of concern for human safety and desire to make a quick buck. How dare he have the audacity to ignore common-sense medical practices and expose his patients to potentially deadly diseases? Dr. Desai and those people who followed his procedures should have their licenses permanently revoked. The world will be a much safer place.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!
Bob Wells
Citizen action
To the editor:
The shoddy and illegal practices of some Las Vegas medical clinics is reprehensible. The public sector seems impotent. Because government isn’t working with the sense of urgency demanded by this crisis, perhaps ordinary citizens can help clean up the mess.
Pickets with signs reading “This clinic is dangerous to your health” should surround each offending clinic. Similar pickets could encircle the residences of the offending doctors. Now wouldn’t that be a great picture for TV news? Maybe that would cause more offending clinics to be closed and some doctors’ licenses to be revoked.
Government doesn’t work. Citizen action is required.
Jim Stockdale