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Committee approves Trump Cabinet nominees without Democrats

Senate Republicans took steps Wednesday to thwart Democrats plans to obstruct the confirmation of President Trump’s Cabinet nominees for a second day amid frustrations over the president’s pick Tuesday night of a stalwart conservative to serve on the Supreme Court.

Nevada officials want more money to support parole-eligible inmates

State officials plan to hire probation and parole specialists to work in prisons with inmates who are eligible for parole but stuck behind bars because they lack necessities like a place to live, legislative committees heard Tuesday.

Senate Democrats ready for battle over Supreme Court nominee

Lawmakers are girding for a battle in the Senate over the president’s pick of federal appellate Judge Neil Gorsuch to fill the late Justice Antonin Scalia’s seat on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Nevada will share in a $5M settlement with Western Union

Nevada will share in a $5 million, multistate settlement with The Western Union Company over complaints customers were scammed into wiring money to third-parties in fraudulent schemes, the attorney general’s office said Tuesday.

Democrats block votes on Health, Treasury secretaries

Democrats blocked planned Senate committee votes on President Donald Trump’s picks to be Health and Treasury secretaries Tuesday, boycotting the session and demanding more information.