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Senate committee to begin Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing March 20

The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee will hold its confirmation hearing for President Donald Trump’s U.S. Supreme Court nominee, conservative federal appeals court judge Neil Gorsuch, beginning on March 20, the panel’s Republican chairman said Thursday.

Some Nevada cities could go all-mail for municipal elections

The U.S. Postal Service may be getting more business in election season. Major cities in Southern Nevada could conduct municipal elections entirely by mail-in ballots if Senate Bill 93 becomes law.

Nevada school turnaround program needs more time to evaluate

Funding for the statewide school turnaround program should continue but warrants further analysis, the only one of seven education initiatives recommended for monitoring in a study presented to the Nevada Assembly education committee.

NV Energy CEO: Residential power bills have lowered from 10 years ago

NV Energy President and CEO Paul Caudill told a panel of lawmakers studying energy issues on Wednesday that residential power bills in Southern Nevada are lower in January of this year than they were a decade ago.

Senate votes to repeal Obama-era gun regulation

An Obama-era rule requiring the federal government to provide information about the mentally ill to a national background check system to prevent them from purchasing guns was abolished by the Senate on Wednesday.

Restaurant executive Puzder withdraws as nominee for labor secretary

Andrew Puzder, President Trump’s choice to serve as the next labor secretary, has withdrawn his nomination amidst growing resistance from Republicans and Democrats in the Senate.