Presidential primaries could be on the horizon in Nevada

CARSON CITY — Republicans and Democrats could scrap Nevada’s caucus system in favor of a presidential primary under a bill to be considered in the state Legislature.

The bill, to be introduced by the Senate Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections, would leave it to the state central committees to request that a secret-ballot primary be held in February in presidential election years.

The legislative committee held a meeting on the Senate floor Thursday and voted to introduce the bill, likely next week.

Nevada has held caucuses in the past several presidential election cycles. Scheduled for one day and during specific times, voters and other critics argue they are confusing and disenfranchise voters who are unable to attend.

Last year’s presidential caucuses were held in February.

A Republican-backed bill to change from caucuses to primaries passed the Nevada Senate in 2015 but died in the Assembly. That measure sought to schedule presidential primaries on the last Tuesday in February and move all other state primary races to February from June.

But state and local election officials said it would be difficult to implement and require candidates to campaign during the holiday season.

The newest version only pertains to presidential nominating elections.

Under a draft of the new proposal, political party state central committees would have to notify the secretary of state’s office by the end of September in the year before an election if they want to have a primary.

The secretary of state would set the date for a weekday in February, with three days of early voting. The February date could help protect Nevada’s standing as the first-in-the-West contest and its influence in shaping the political debate in a presidential election.

The cost of presidential primaries would be borne by the state. Caucuses, because they are political party functions, are paid for by the parties.

Contact Sandra Chereb at or 775-461-3821. Follow @SandraChereb on Twitter.

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