Dimmu Borgir at House of Blues
Though they’ve long been one of the leading lights of the genre, to dub Dimmu Borgir a black metal troupe is starting to become a misnomer, as the band’s symphonic thrash is both operatic and multihued. The latest from these Norwegian brutes, “In Sorte Diaboli,” sees the group further embellishing their orchestral flourishes with ringing, triumphant sounding horns and touches of big-voiced female singing. The band’s steely metal has always been as frostbitten as their homeland, but “Diaboli” begins to melt the ice a bit.
See Dimmu Borgir at 5:50 p.m. at the House of Blues at Mandalay Bay, 3950 Las Vegas Blvd. South. Tickets are $25; call 632-7600.