Reno teen shot by school officer moved out of intensive care

RENO — A 14-year-old Reno boy shot last month by a school police officer is showing improvement and soon will be moved to a rehab center.

The Hug High freshman who was shot once in the chest by a school security officer on Dec. 7 suffered a stroke after he underwent surgery to remove part of a lung.

He spent the past three weeks in a medically induced coma at Renown Regional Medical Center. But his older brother told the Reno Gazette-Journal Monday that he’s made “drastic improvement,” has been moved out of the intensive care unit and is communicating with his family.

An investigation is continuing into the officer-involved shooting. Police say the youth was wielding two knives and cut a classmate on the cheek before a Washoe County School District officer shot him in a courtyard at the high school.

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