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Santa Claus delivers cheer, with help from firefighters

Firefighters can do more than just put out fire. They can also spark some holiday cheer.

The Firefighters of Southern Nevada Burn Foundation made a surprise visit Thursday to Divich Elementary School in northwest Las Vegas.

With the help of Santa and Mrs. Claus — and despite the best efforts of the Grinch — the firefighters handed out toys to the students.

“Once a year we get to surprise an entire school with toys, fire trucks and Santa to put a smile on their face,” said Keith Armington, vice president of the foundation, which includes representatives of fire departments from across the Las Vegas Valley.

If you would like to help local firefighters spread some cheer this Christmas season, it’s not too late. They will be at several Walmart stores in the valley this weekend collecting toys for their Fill The Fire Truck Toy Drive.

For locations and more information, visit

Contact Paul Pearson at

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